The Mumbai Art Room aims to become the space where the next generation of curators from India, as well as the next generation of international curators who meaningfully engage with India, can be mentored, nurtured, and supported at critical points in their career to grow as exhibition makers.

Emerging curators are nominated by eminent practicing curators in India and abroad and are invited to submit proposals for the four exhibitions that the Mumbai Art Room hosts annually. They will benefit from remote mentoring from a newly formed Curatorial Advisory Committee, a leading group of academics and curators who will push the curator’s ideas and proposals to their furthest potential. These mentors for 2017-2018 are: Nancy Adajania (Mumbai-based cultural theorist and co-curator of 9th Gwangju Biennial), Anne Barlow (Director, Tate St. Ives), Lauren Cornell (Director, Graduate Program, and Chief Curator Hessel Museum of Art, Bard College, curator of 2015 New Museum Triennial), Iftikhar Dadi (Associate Professor, Department of History of Art, Cornell University), Koyo Kuouh (Artistic Founding Director, RAW Material Company, Curator of EVA International 2016), Dr. Devika Singh (Centre of South Asian Studies, University of Cambridge), as well as Mumbai Art Room Trustees Diana Campbell Betancourt (Artistic Director, Samdani Art Foundation, Chief Curator Dhaka Art Summit) and Susan Hapgood (Executive Director, International Studio and Curatorial Program).



Mumbai Art Room was founded in 2011 by Susan Hapgood and was registered officially as the Contemporary Arts Trust with the Charity Commissioner's Office of the State of Maharashtra in 2012. It exhibits contemporary art, design, and visual culture from around the world and provides a non-commercial platform for artistic and curatorial practice, one that is experimental, educational, and as accessible as possible to all audiences.



Diana Campbell Betancourt (Chair), Gaurav Bhatia, Susan Hapgood (Founder), Roohi Jaikishan, Shanay Jhaveri, Gayatri Rangachari Shah, and Tarbir Shahpuri.



Eve Lemesle

Managing Director


Shambhavi Bhat

Assistant Director - Programme Development & Exhibitions


Mumbai Art Room is supported by Inlaks Shivdasani Foundation, Navajbai Ratan Tata Trust, Sir Ratan Tata Trust, The Polish Institute New Delhi, and R & S Nanavati Charitable Trust. Additional funding has been provided by Priya Jhaveri, Amrita Jhaveri, Sunita and Vijay Choraria, Reena and Jitish Kallat, and Aaron Schwarz. In-kind support has been generously offered by organisations including Chandon, Christie's, Splendour, Pico, Biswas Consultants, Kala Goda Café, Studio Mumbai, What About Art?, R.R. Oomerbhoy Pvt. Ltd., La Folie, Nandam Realtors, AZB & Partners, Chatterjee + Lal, Jhaveri Contemporary, Project 88, Lakeeren Gallery, Sakshi Gallery, Nature Morte, Chemould Prescott Road, Exhibit 320, Experimenter Kolkata, and Galerie Mirchandani + Steinruecke.



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